Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Eleventh Husband - Cale Creelman

Monyette's good friend Cale Creelman heard of Abhijeet's demise and came over to offer some comfort to Monyette.   OH boy but she is good at acting all sorry and hurt.  She is really looking for husband number eleven.......

Ah, the visit ended well.  Looks like Creel is on his way to be....err....the next husband?  But what about poor Tyson?  Why doesn't Monyette ever think of him?  To her he is just a babysitter...makes all these handy little gadgets....what a nice guy.

The next day Cale moves in...bringing $5,000 and a pocket full of Downtownie loot.  He had decided that Monyette is alright...just a little misunderstood.  He is sure he can straighten her out.

Monyette wastes no time....Family Sim Cale was happy to wed right away...the only attendees to the nuptials was a lone baby crib...and Monyette's past husbands watching...knowing...the fate of Cale.

The day of his mother's tenth wedding, Brad ages to teen. Knut the Vampire's boy.

Ahh but Monyette makes an old man feel alive again!  Oh...but it is rather disturbing with all these pictures of her past husbands watching everything they do........

It isn't so bad...really....Cale managed to get his child started! 

Mark, Abhijeet's boy....has grown up thanks to the ever viligant Tyson.

OH no!  It looks like Tyson's hydrobot has gone wacky and is spraying water all over the place!  The cleaning bot is trying in vain to keep the ensuing mess cleaned up!

The cleaning bot is broken now too!  It is spewing trash all over the lot.  Gee...that is probably going to attract alot of FLIES.

Tyson!  Come and fix your robots, right now! 

"Naw....Monyette still doesn't notice me after all I have done for her.  I am gonna fish for a while.  Clear my head."

Cale:  "That no good for nothing Tyson!  I guess I will just have to clean up this mess....."

"Ouch!  A fly flew up my my ear...ouch...OUCH! "

"Ewwwww!  They are in my clothes!!!!  Ahhhhh!"

Buh-bye Cale!

Cale joins the rest of the husbands in the grave yard.  Oh who will be next in Monyette's evil web?  And what about Tyson?  What is up his sleeve?

Stay tuned, when ASimWen wraps up the Black Widow Challenge!

The Tenth Husband - Abhijeet Deppiesse

Julien has passed away, and Wynona and Barone have left for University, after maxing their skills.  Monyette asks her good friend Tyson Platz to move in.  She really needs help around the house what with all the kids around and keeping things working.  He obliges, and brings his life savings of $14,000 with him to add to the family coffers.

Monyette started showing Tyson pictures of her older children.  Here is this one...Barone and Wynona moving into their dorm at La Fiesta Tech.

Jake and Pugsley are sharing a dorm as well at Tech.

Cassandra is living happily with her live in boyfriend, Vincent Byall on the other side of Challengeville....

And Alexander is going to make a bachelor's pad out of a former house...that was rumored to have been called nickled and dimed....errrr...challenge????  He lives right across the street from Vincent and Cassandra.

After Monyette finished showing Tyson the photo album, Knut's son Brad grows up.  Monyette thinks this is just marvelous.

That night, Monyette begins dating Abhijeet Deppiesse.  Awww...what a touching scene.  And, Kenny leaves for University.

What the heck?  They took the date indoors as one of Monyette's dead husbands was hunting outside, Cleve.  This guy here in the Captain Hero uniform had come over with Tyson when he moved in.  Why did he get the 'break up' symbol with Abhijeet when the date was moved inside???  Oh now I remember.  The Captain Hero is one of my test subjects for String Me.  He had a romantic interlude with Abhijeet.  hehehe  Monyette!  This is the third happy relationship you have broken up in Challengeville!

*Sigh*  Julien's ex-wife Margaret still comes around to steal the newspaper.  Now she is in competition with Captain Hero for it.  It is interesting to see them both show up each day to do some kind of vindictive damage.  Strangely, neither one goes for the trashcan.

Under the watchful eyes of Monette's children, Abhijeet moves in with $13,000.  He is a Field Researcher in the science field.

That night, Julien's son Alan grows up, with Family Sim Tyson's assistance.  As you can see the two Romance Sims there in the back grounnd, Abhijeet and Monyette, have no interest.

Julien's ghost comes out to visit...yellow - DEATH BY ELECTROCUTION.

Poor Tyson is constantly scared by Monyette's dead husbands, and he isn't even in love with her!  (At least....not yet).

Abhijeet and Monyette tie the knot....

In the mean while, Tyson has been working on his tinkering plaque.  Oh look at that!  He has built a cleaning bot!  What a help that will be around the house!

Err...outside the house!  Not that there has been a problem with newspapers left laying around or anything.  Between Margaret, Captain Hero, and Velveeta, there is never a newspaper left laying in the yard.

Monyette is such a slob she washes at the kitchen sink.  Hmmm....Abhijeet...being a voyeur?  Much?

Abhijeet is taking his turn as a satellite magnet.....while Cleve looks on.

Tyson gets his hobby plaque in tinkering while trying to fix up this old car for Monyette.  He is now completley smitten by her!  Tyson thinks if he presents her with a new car, she will love him.

Brandon's boy Link grows up!  

Monyette is pregnant with Abhijeet's child.

A sentry bot has joined the cleaning bot outside.  Tyson turns both on, proudly.  Oh what a help they well be in keeping the place clean, and to keep the newspaper from being stolen everyday!

The sentry bot was on duty for only two hours, when it was called out.  Captain Hero did not get the newspaper this day!

And gets him again an hour later!~

Captain Hero appears again just a few minutes later...and succeeds in stealing the paper.  The Sentry Bot started to go after him, then gave up and resumed it's watch.  Some guard.

Tyson has also presented Monyette with a munchiebot to keep her eating during her pregnancies.  Being a Family Sim, Tyson understands the importance of keeping mother fed.

And he finally finished the car.  He sure hoped Monyette would like it.

Captain Hero appears yet again this day, but only to say hello to Link whilst he is stargazing hoping to get abducted like his half brother Jake.  Captain has beaten the system, and has stolen a paper under the watch of the Sentrybot.  It seems Captain Hero is NOT all about law and order. 

Link didn't manage to get abducted...but he did manage to call the taxi to leave for Uni after maxing his skills.  Buy-bye Link!  Your Romance Sim daddy Brandon Lillard would be proud!

Julien's boy Alan has grown up! 

A hydrobot has joined the but it works hard keeping all those flowers in the graveyard watered!

In the meantime, Abhijeet's son, Mark (chestnut) is born.  Oh wait!  Monyette smells smoke...oh no!

Oh my! What happened???  A peice of space junk fell from the sky.......

Grim is here....oh...that means....Abhijeet must have been cloud gazing.

Monyette is pretending to be very upset....Abhijeet didn't even get a chance to meet his son Mark. 

(Getting this death took 4 days of cloud gazing during the day, and stargazing at night.....)

Abhijeet joins the rest of the gents in the graveyard.  There are now ten graves....two husbands to go.....

Who is next???