Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Third Husband - Sinjin Buckinham

Parker's grave isn't even settled yet, and Monyette is proposing engagement to Sinjin Buckinham.  She begs him to take her out of the hovel her first two husband were only able to provide for her.  She wants to live better!

Sinjin agrees, and immediately marries her as well.  He wants to make life better for this beautiful creature.

I do, I do.  Hehehehe

Sinjin built Monyette and her children a beautiful mansion with a walk out basement and an attached garage.  He provided her all the comforts of life.  This is where Parker's child Wednesday grew to child.

Zion's son Alexander is now a teen and has over half his skills.

Zion's daughter Cassandra is as beautiful as her mother.  Liker her brother, she has over half her skills on her birthday to teen.

Finally, Zion comes out to haunt.  Transparent ghost...death by starvation.

Sinjin's child Pugsley is born.

This birth put poor Monyette into aspirational failure.

Parker's ghost is magenta...death by scissors.  Headmaster BJ Ryan seems to be startled by his appearance.

Through his connections, Sinjin has gotten all of Monyette's school age children into private school, sending Cassandra and Alexander into platinum.  Alas, Parker was too poor to send them.

Pugsley arrives to toddlerhood in style, wearing a tuxedo.  How could one of Mr. Big's children arrive any other way?

Parker's ghost was so insanely jealous of Sinjin's ability to give Monyette a nice house and the money to send the kids to private school, he scared Sinjin to death.  Alas, I did not get a chance to get all the expensive items out of Mr. Big's pockets before the fateful even occured.

Grim says....tsk, tsk, tsk, another one dead in this house.  Monyette doesn't seem upset, but Wednesday is not handling it well.

Zion, Parker, and Sinjin.

2010 - And that is it for husband number 3, Sinjin Buckinham.  Stay tuned for the demise of husband number 4 - Remington London, Pizza Guy.


Bubbs said...

Poor Sinjin! He never got to give all his money and love to the family. Alas, time for a new husband!!